***Attention: ALL Incoming 7th Grade students & students NEW to CISD***
Immunizations are Due before the 1st day of school EVERY year
ALL Immunizations go to the Nurse and ALL Physicals go to the Coaches. Please, DO NOT give Immunization records to the Coaches.
Before your child enters 7th GRADE these immunizations are required by Texas State Law:
- TDaP
- Meningococcal Conjugate
For more information, please click on the links below:
*If ALL required Immunizations are done before the end of the school year:
- Send a copy of your child’s shot record to your current School Nurse
*If ALL required Immunizations are done over the summer you may:
- Send a copy of your child’s shot record to the Nurse at York JHS / 3515 Waterbend Cove / Spring, TX 77386
- Fax to: 832-592-8676 or 832-592-8684
- Email to: arweaver@conroeisd.net (**This is the BEST option**)