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Clubs & Organizations
At York Junior High, we encourage every student to get involved in extracurricular activities. Whether it be sports, music, or clubs, there are numerous benefits to becoming part of a community and exploring a variety of interests along the way. Click on the links below for more information on some of the student clubs/activities we have at York.
If you don’t see a club that interests you. Fill out the interest form below to get your club started.
Interest Form
Clubs & Organizations
- Thursday 4:15-5:15 PM in the Library
- Club members will be responsible for running and planning the York Grizzly News.
- Will be a part of the daily announcements.
- Will learn more about making videos and films.
If you are interested in the Chess Club. Fill out the form below.
Interest form
Location: Room 130
Meeting Day: Wednesday
Time: 4:15 – 5:30 p.m.
October 12 National Chess Day Scholastic (Eisenhower HS) Limit 300
January 25 25th Klein Winter Scholastic (details soon)
February 8 Impact Leadership Academy (Aldine)
April 26 (details soon)
First Meeting 9/20/24
- Every Friday 4:00-6:30 PM
- Friday from 8:15-8:45am
- Room LGI (117)
- To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. You do not have to be a Christian or an athlete to attend. Everyoone is welcome.
Future Engineers Club
Sponsor: cpointer@conroeisd.net
Challenge-based club for students to create and build engineering marvels and compete with teams around the world.
Fill out application to join. Only 20 students will be selected.
First meeting 9/16 room 27
Day: Monday’s
Time: 7:45 AM
Place: Room 27
It will BEGIN the last Thursday of January and then will be Thursday.
8:00 AM-8:30 AM
Starting January 31st
- Membership in NJHS is both an honor and a commitment. It is this commitment that has helped shape the Honor Society’s reputation for excellence, making it a valued asset among administrators, faculty members, students, parents, and communities.
- NJHS is done by invite only. To be nominated for NJHS candidacy, 7th grade students must be enrolled in at least 3 core honors classes. The final FALL semester average for each honors course must be at least a 90%. The final FALL semester average for the remaining level course (if applicable) must be a 92%. The final FALL semester average for each elective course must be at least a 90%. Students must be enrolled at York Junior High for at least 1 full semester. Students who meet these criteria will receive a letter encouraging them to apply for NJHS membership which will be delivered after Spring Break. Candidacy letters and completing an application packet does not automatically assume membership into the York Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Application packets are reviewed by the York Junior High faculty council and nominees are issued a final letter of acceptance or denial.
Sponsor: Nicolas Wright nickwright@conroeisd.net
Meeting:Pole vault pit-outside fields
Days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Start Date: 12/4/24
- Starting Thursday 9/19 4:00-5:00 PM
- Room 24
- ResearchX had the goal of creating a space for like-minded students to explore different questions in science and create projects reflecting their findings. We, as an organization, would like to broaden the band of investigation and research for students. Through this opportunity, the students at York would be able to immerse themselves in an AP Research style class, while getting a chance to self-publish their research!
- 3rd Wednesday of each month from 4:00-5:00pm
- Room 124
- mloudin@conroeisd.net
- Room 207
- First Thursday of every month.
The purpose of the York Junior High School Student Council shall be:
- This is an invitation only club for 8th graders. Selected students work with leadership teams in CISD over the summertime, and work with the principal over the year on student voice panels.
More information talk to Coach Escalon
- Every Wednesday after school right outside the Athetic Double Doors!
- 4:15- 5:30
- To promote the sport of Ultimate Frisbee through competitive and enjoyable games. It’s an opportunity for friends and students to get together and play Frisbee, regardless of skill level.
- It is a team that performs a unique dance art form that originated in Africa. Stepping is a form of percussive dance in which the participants’ entire body is used as an instrument to produce complex rhythms and sounds through a mixture of footsteps, spoken works and hand claps.
- Wednesday 7:30-8:30 AM
Sponsor: mmatz@conroeisd.net
Meetings:1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month from 4:15 PM-5:15 PM
Room 143
Purpose: To practice different creative writing exercises and to workshop each other’s writing with an emphasis on novel writing, but all forms of creative writing are welcome and encouraged.
Sponsor: lmoran@conroeisd.net, jmtamayo@conroeisd.net
Meetings: Starting on September 1, 2024 – More information to come
Purpose: Bring awareness and unity between all students and those with special needs. Students will create celebrations, special events, and become a best buddy with a life skills student.